Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good news! Another Deceptively Delicious recipe review!

Yesterday my older daughter started kindergarten, and let's all face it. Nothing helps the hurt of a baby girl going off to school like chocolate cupcakes. I thought it was just me until she went there during her Sunday afternoon "but I will miss you!" breakdown. That's when I realized, no matter the age of the woman, chocolate is the ultimate mood enhancer.

This is how it went.
Her: "I don't want to go to school."
Me: "Oh honey (really sympathetic), why?"
Her: "I am afraid I will miss you." eyes filling with tears
Me: "I will miss you too, but I feel really sure that you'll have so many fun things to do tomorrow that you won't be thinking about me very much."
Her: tears spilling out onto her curly hair framed cheeks "But I will miss you."
Me: "How about we plan to do something special when you get home. Sound good?"
Her: immediately perks up a bit. "Ummm, how about we make chocolate cupcakes?"

That's my girl! And what a perfect opportunity to break out my favorite cookbook, Deceptively Delicious. I knew there was a recipe in there that would be perfect!

After my princess got home, flushed from excitement from her first day, we broke out our food processor and stand mixer. I was in kitchen appliance heaven!

My girls watched me scoop out four avocados, dump them in the food processor, puree then dump a full cup of it in the stand mixer. They fought over who would put it in the bowl. They clearly knew it had green in it.

The rest of the ingredients were pretty healthy. Flour, cocoa powder, sugar, egg whites, vanilla...and balsamic vinegar. Yeah! What's up with that. Though like a good Jessica Seinfeld fan, I added it blindly trusting.

We licked the bowl, like the normal people we are, and it was good! We baked according to the directions, let the cupcakes cool and YUMMMMMY! They were delicious! I topped them with strawberry flavored Cool Whip and if I wasn't trying to eat like a good girl, I would have polished off the whole batch already!

And in case anyone is wondering...my tooth still hurts. Thankfully today we're just down to transient pain, which I learned is pain that results from stimulus provocation. Basically, it's sensitivity to hot and cold. Since about Thursday until last night I was in pain constantly with a dull aching. It's nerve related, though, as all teeth from the one filled (second from the back on my upper right side) to my front teeth on the top AND bottom hurt. I just had x-rays so I know, for fact, all of my teeth are not rotting. *sigh* Friggin' dental work.

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