Friday, August 1, 2008

...and it continues...

I promise tomorrow's post won't be yet another recipe review, but I can't stop myself today.

Last night for dinner I prepared the chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes from Deceptively Delicious and they fooled everyone! The chicken was coated in a broccoli puree and the potatoes were mixed with cauliflower. Everyone ate everything, including my parents! I'm still amazed! The food was really really good. And please believe me when I say they turn their noses up at a lot.

The one downfall of the book is that you've really got to plan what you're going to make for the week. There is a section in the book about freezing the purees, but I'm hesitant. Some recipes call for 1/2 a cup, others 1/4 a cup and others 2 tablespoons. I'm not sure in what quantity I should doing my freezing. So for now, I'm trying to use up what I have within a few days. I think as I get more experienced, I'll probably freeze in 1/4 cup quantities and just concede to occasionally having to trash a tablespoon or two every now and then.

My plan this weekend is to try a dessert - my favorite food group! Tonight for dinner we'll undo all the nutrition we've built up over the past two days as we're eating out to celebrate my parents' anniversary. Greasy, cheesy and fattening food...yummmmmm! :-)

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