Sunday, August 3, 2008

After a full day's work, we have success! Who doesn't love a tax-free weekend?!

After spending in excess of 8 cumulative hours shopping personally and another 3 or so for my husband, I have a theory. We've all been swindled by this tax-free weekend business. The government suffers the loss to tax income while stores jack up the prices because they know we'll buy based on the guise that we're getting a deal in the absence of sales taxes. That's why I did all of my shopping last weekend when I paid full sales tax but got a deal, dammit! (...what a joke!)

This weekend we hit Gymboree for approximately $185, Haggar for $45, Brooks Brothers for $100, Belks for $145 and Nike for $30. We definitely fueled the American economy. And given the size of the crowds, many others did as well. 'Cause I'm proud to be an American, for at least I know I'm free... :-p

With all of this shopping came three pairs of tiny shoes. Two pairs of Mary Jane's and one pair of sneakers. In total, I'd estimate that we tried on no less than 30 pairs. I, personally, only tried on 2 and had to talk myself out of both. What finally ended up in a purchase was what I thought was a defunct trip to Belk. Their shoe section was in horrible disarray. I chose one pair of shoes that weren't even in a box. I thought what I saw out was what they had. The scene looked like a crime scene. Single shoes out of boxes laid strewn here and there. Boxes without lids littered the floor. Women rummaged through the piles like they were at a garage sale. I almost walked away before even looking. Little did I know...there were more in the back!

Like an angel from heaven, a kind, grandfathery-looking salesman asked if we needed help. I almost hesitated asking if he had any other sizes anywhere. We'd already been at this for a few hours and I was tired. I mustered up the energy, though, and hoarsely asked in, what must have sounded like, a desperate tone. Unbelievably he said they did.

We had that sweet older gent hold two pairs for us while we hit *one more store*, I later returned alone, while Grandma and the girls enjoyed a Strawberry Julius, to make the all-important purchase. Choirs of angels sang.

One last stop before collapsing at home was to the Nike store. Note to self - never ever leave this store as the last stop in a busy day. The aisles are narrow, there is next-to-nowhere to sit to try on shoes, it's crowded and the rap music is a *tad* too loud. It's overstimulating and hot. Yet, surprisingly, we were still able to crank out a quick purchase. The sneakers made my daughter run faster in her eyes, and as memory serves me correctly, that is the criteria for a good-fitting pair of new sneakers.

So we're home now. I've had several glasses of wine. One daughter just put in a mis-matched pair of pajamas. The other is happily playing in the tub with her Polly Pockets. I'm looking forward to hitting my bed in as little as 40 minutes with a cream puff or two, another glass of wine and perhaps a funny movie. I can't decide yet if I'll go with Wedding Crasher or Talladega Nights...but really, can you go wrong with either?

Buenas noches, mis amigos. Tax-free weekend has come to an expensive end for another year and I'm beyond fatigued. Damn shame I didn't need a wedding gown as they, too, were sans income tax. Hmmm...maybe I should have rethought our anniversary plans for next weekend and dreamt up something that involved a little white number by Vera Wang. ;-) Seriously, it would be dangerous if I ever decide to renew our vows. We had a beautiful wedding but were both 22. My wedding at 30something would be *quite* different.

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