Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Five more minutes

My life is like a sitcom. Seriously I could write a good stand-up set with my every day experiences. Today's excursion - the community pool.

We swam. We met up with friends who swam with us. We talked. We laughed. We swam some more. Yet as we neared noon, my little one started to grump up. First there was a few minor instances of whining over who got the ball thrown to them. I should have known right then and there to give the two minute warning to departure. Instead, I ignored and forged forward with our "good" time.

Several minutes later there was an outburst from that same little grumpus. She yelled at her similarly aged friend, "I don't like you!" because said ball either came too close or not close enough. I'm still not sure. Yet, again...this should have been my sign. It was time to go. Still, I swam.

Tick tock tick tock. Lunch time was approaching. Rest time wasn't far after. Still, I swam.

I gave an official "five more minutes" and got out of the pool to start picking up our toys and drying off. My older daughter, who had swam miles and miles in her delight of being able to do so without "swimmies", obediently exited the pool and sat, with her head down, on the picnic table. I thought she was going to doze off right then. Little one refused to get out of the pool.

I packed up and called to her. I threatened with the "I'm leaving you here if you don't come". She stayed in the pool. I yelled. She stayed. I did the talking through gritted teeth thing. She stayed and yelled at me. I threatened, "If I have to get back in the pool..." leaving the rest to her 3 year old imagination. She stayed, yelled and then scowled. I'm certain by this point everyone was giggling. Our friends promptly left, probably afraid to witness what was about to happen.

I kicked off my shoes, dropped my towel and swiftly sank into the pool like a shark pouncing on some prey. I took her little hand and dragged her to the stairs. She cried despite not being actually harmed. I took off her swimmies, did some talking about how she'd never be allowed to come back to the pool and something about being put in time-out until she was 32.

I put her and her sister in the car, We drove home. She immediately went into the shower. Ten minutes later I told her it was time to get out. Nope. "Fine two more minutes." Five minutes goes by, "It's time." Nope. Hello?!? Lather, rinse, repeat? *sigh* God help me when she's 15. That's all I have to say.

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