Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Who would have thought? Snow in Myrtle Beach!

There was an odd lack of hype about impending snow in the Grand Strand yesterday, but that may have been because today was a scheduled student holiday from school. Regardless, by 9:00 AM, the snow was coming down and accumulating on grass and cars. It was the most snow I've seen here since we relocated more than five years ago!

As you can expect, my children were so excited. They still are, actually, despite the fact that it hasn't been snowing for hours now. My little one has this very firm connection between white precip and hot chocolate, so as soon as my 3:00 meeting concludes I will happily whip her up a batch. Williams Sonoma's chocolate shaving variety is to die for!

What humors me most about all of this, is the northerner's attitude on this major weather event. "I can drive just fine in it, but won't dare get on the roads because no one here knows how. It's dangerous how stupid people are." News flash, folks. Practically nobody living here is from here. We ALL grew up driving in winter weather. It's idiots who get a little too confident in their ability that put the rest of us at risk. So word to the wise...if you have to venture out, use caution no matter how experienced you are in driving on snow. And by all means, if the media asks you how you feel about traveling during inclimate weather, resist the urge to let the world know you're from PA, have seen thousands of feet of snow in your lifetime and can handle the conditions even if all of those living around you can not. You don't look so smart.


Patty said...
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Patty said...

Trying this again! Hope it shows up this time.

Hi Missy,
I had to laugh when I read your post...as I sat here watching it snow this morning (again)...in Myrtle Beach. I AM from here..not a transplant. There are many of us 'natives' still around. But...I believe we are outnumbered by the Northerners. Having lived in Virginia for 17 years, I learned to drive responsibly when there was ice or snow. Of course, we don't get that much here. I heard the news report you wrote about. My thought was the same as yours...she didn't sound too smart.