Saturday, January 10, 2009

MM for 1/10/09 - Bride Wars!

I don't know what the deal is, but I've been dying to escape for a bit from my family and see a movie - alone. I've been with them pretty much full-time since before our Disney vacation and I just needed some time to think. So on the spur of the moment, I hopped in the shower and off I went. On the ride there I called two friends. The first didn't answer and the second was unable to join me. I'm humored by dying for alone time but asking friends to come along. LOL

Anyway, I went and saw Bride Wars with Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson. I won't give anything away, but what a perfect little movie to see by myself. Though it absolutely made me miss the crap out of my best friend, who lives in NJ. I left the theater still tearing, thinking about how I wished I could spend more time with her. On my way home I left her a message that went something like this...

"Hey Carli! I just went and saw Bride Wars by myself because my family is driving me nuts. And it made me miss you so much. So I're moving here. We'll help you find a new house and Scott a new job. We know people. And that way we can get back to being "see you once a year if we're lucky" friends to "I'm sending the kids over for a bit." friends." Here's were my voice cracked, a lump in my throat formed and I started talking really rapidly and making little sense, so I wrapped it up.

The movie didn't get the best reviews, but I liked it!

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