Saturday, January 3, 2009

Momorable Mention for 1/3/09 - My dear friend dealing with unemployment in her family

One of my dear friends, and trust me, I only have a handful, is going through a tough time now. Her husband has been out of work for awhile and the stress of their financial situation and the anxiety that comes with this desperate situation are getting her down. I want to cry to for her. She is an amazing woman whom I care about very much. I've known her since our older daughters were 15 months old. She's smart. She's kind. She's honest. She's my kind of gal. And I'm so sad for her and her family. It's simply not fair. I wish, wholeheartedly, that I knew of an opportunity for her husband. If they end up moving because of this, I'll be even sadder. :-( This post isn't just about doom and gloom, though. My momorable mention goes to her because she's kept her family running smoothly despite all of these challenges. She's stepped up to the plate as the CFO of her family, pinching every penny twice while keeping things running. She's stepped up as a wife, supporting her husband in every way possible, even though this whole thing is as emotionally taxing on her as it is him. She's stepped up as a mom by continuing to keep her children as blissfully unaware as possible. She's stepped up for herself by continuing to be thankful for the blessings she had. I can't count how many times I heard her say things like "I know there are lots of other people in a worse situation" or "We're so blessed to have healthy children."

She's a wonderful person and I'm so proud of her. It's times like these that tell you what a person is really made of. And folks, I love her ingredients.

I don't think you're reading this, dear friend, but you and your family remain in my prayers. You're an amazing woman. *hugs*

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