Saturday, February 14, 2009

The 100th post - who knew anyone was reading!

I think all bloggers who don't put a ton of time into promotion fall into a slump where they shrug off any pressure they feel to write because after all, who's reading? Often times, nobody. I admit to have fallen into that slump until I checked in tonight and saw...comments! To those who left them, thank you so much! It's so good to know someone is, indeed, reading! ...and found what I said meaningful or funny to boot! I'm thrilled! :-)

So today is the day of love. A day we put aside differences with our loved ones and them. The start of our week was a bit rocky, filled with work stress and fatigue. Thankfully we were able to pull it around and plan a fun day. Unfortunately, fate, and our older daughter had another plan.

I was just telling my mom that it sometimes frustrates me that all plans we make are in pencil. Someone always gets sick. Well maybe not always. Perhaps it's more like 8 out of 10 times. Seriously! Talk to my sister-in-law. We went through about two years of cancelling weekends out at their place because one or both children were sick. Today is no exception.

When our older daughter got home from school yesterday her temp was 102. Today it hit 104. *sigh* Poor poor kid! Obviously all of our "out" plans were nixed. She has no symptoms other than a belly ache and fatigue. The sad part about her is that her ear infections never come with ear pain, so I'm betting that's what it is.

Tomorrow is likely to include a trip to an urgent care center. Monday was supposed to come with a playdate with some friends that I'll have to reschedule...AGAIN!

My primary focus is, of course, a healthy child. I'm nervous because if she does have an ear infection, it's her third since January 1st. Not good. She may be on her way to tubes-ville. However, I can't help but to be mildly annoyed at how it feels like we can never make concrete plans. We recently had to cancel a highly anticipated trip to Daytona for the 24 Hour of Rolex race last month due to illness. That one just wasn't meant to be, though. Too many obstacles were thrown in our way at the last moment. Oh well, there's always next year.

So Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone has been able to make and follow through with some wonderful plans! I'm off to eat a few (dozen) chocolates from the heart hubby got me. Good man!

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