Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pet peeves for the day

I'm in a grumpy mood today. Maybe it's the rain. Maybe it's this headache I can't shake. Maybe it's the withdrawal from deciding to go caffeine-free again this week. Maybe it's a semi-sick child that needs to see her doctor today. Wrap those all up in one crap package and that's me. I just feel like complaining.

How about a few of my pet peeves just for fun...

1. Why, if you're from anywhere other than the south, would you say or write "ya'll"? You sound ridiculous.

2. Why is Caillou bald? And why does he always have on a short-sleeved shirt and shorts when his parents have on turtlenecks and pants?

3. Why must my dog lie directly in front of the toilet at night?

4. Why does my laundry seem to multiply in the hamper?

5. Why do married couples use the stupid phrase "Date night"? It sounds so patronizing and cutesy. Date night. "We're going on a date night." "Mom and dad are coming over the watch the kids so we can have a date night." "date night date night date night" The term almost infuriates me. Please just say "We're going to the movies" or whatever. On Friday my parents are, in fact, coming over so hubs and I can go to dinner without them. It's a date. It's a night. But I friggin' refuse to call it those words together.

I think that's it for now.

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