Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thoughts on a stay-at-home-saturday

More Thanksgiving joy - my older daughter is sick! Seriously, we're cancelling this holiday next year! Thankfully one of the docs in the practice we see was able to phone in some antibiotics. My poor kiddo. It was like a fever just whacked her on the butt. What's worse is that to the touch, she felt cool. I reluctantly took her temp, telling her "I'm sure you do not have a fever." When the thermometer beeped, 101.6. Nice.

So today it's a bona fide rainy day. We were thinking about taking the kids out to see Bolt, but we'll just how my pumpkin girl is feeling. I'm completely confess that hanging around the house, cleaning up, making out Christmas cards, maybe wrapping a few gifts, being lazy and working on some Christmas decorating sounds like a pretty good day to me. I'm such a homebody.

Tomorrow we have a holiday brunch that everyone is on board for. Lots of our friends will be there. My favorite jolly old elf will make an appearance. We'll eat loads of good food. There's no way we're missing that! But for today...we'll just hang.

And in case anyone is counting...only two more weeks until our Disney World trip!! Everyone is on a strict "stay healthy" regime. We can not wait! Hubby's cousin and his family are heading down tomorrow. I am giddy to hear their trip report. All of the anxiety about getting everything done before the trip so I can actually enjoy it and not feel stressed when we get back is fading away. Another close friend and their family will be traveling down there at the same time and I think she's experiencing the same. But I'm honestly praying and crossing fingers and toes that everyone stays well. Traveling during the winter is so risky!

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