Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sick and sad - the joys of motherhood

Why are children such petri dishes of germs? My younger daughter has had a fever for the past 36 hours. She stayed home from ballet class last night and preschool today. As a result, my throat is killing me and my ear is aching. Thanks. I still love you, but thanks.

Perhaps the shock of this week weakened my immune system. Yesterday morning I got a call from the school nurse. It turns out my older daughter has impaired vision. What? Wait...WHAT?! Ladies and gents, I had no idea! Looking back, perhaps I should.

I have severely impaired vision. It's so bad that my eyes don't work well together so I have issues with depth perception and tend to bump into things and trip on them ALL the time. Who else is klutzy? You guessed it. And I never put two and two together.

I have a few thoughts running through my head. 1) I am, of course, thankful that this has been identified and we can get my little sweetie specs. I'm praying she notices a difference and is happy about it. I'm also seriously praying that her coordinated vision isn't impaired. As I've been told, you either have it or don't by the time you're six. I have like 5 months to do my best to ensure she is, indeed, looking at objects with both eyes. 2) I feel like a bad mom. Somehow I should have known!!! 3) I'm sad because I feel like I'm looking at her cherubic little face for some of the last times without glasses. Will she get picked on at school? I can tell she's the popular little girl in kindergarten. All of the boys like her. Will she feel the difference?

I know that last one is shallow but it comes from experience. I've had glasses since I was literally 18 months old. I've heard every joke in the book and I'd love to spare her from them.

Woe is me. It's 8:12 PM. Somehow the gals were in bed by 7:15 PM. I just spent the last hour working on expense reports and I'm off to bed. My last project for tonight is deciding between Sudafed and the hard stuff...Benedryl. I'm leaning towards the Bennie. I need to sleep!

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