Monday, November 10, 2008

A interesting advantage of having the Obama family heading up the ole US

As I mentioned, I wasn't in love with either presidential candidate. I ended up voting for McCain *gasp, it's true* only because I felt he was stronger in the national security arena. Palin was charming, but a bad bad choice for his campaign. He had a better shot at winning without her. Regardless, the point of this story is that I wasn't devastated with Obama won because he could have very well been my choice as well. In fact, I've said a dozen times I wish I could have combined the campaign with McCain as prez and Obama as VP. That would have been the perfect ticket!

Today, while eating lunch with my 4 year old and scanning this week's issue of People magazine, I said to her, "See this man? This is the new president of the United States. When we waited in that long line to vote last week, this is who won." I then explained the process about how the whole country had to vote, much like when I take a vote for going to the aquarium or park and whichever choice has the most votes wins. I talked about Barrack Obama had the most votes and now he's president.

I flipped through the magazines and showed her pictures of Michelle Obama and their daughters. Suddenly, at the sight of the children, she grew interested and asked questions. "Where does he live? What's his phone number? When will I see him? Is he a dad?" I got almost giddy. I never thought about it, but I think having a young family in the White House will rope in the interest of children in civics all across this nation!

Our conversation ended with my daughter telling me that I should let her know when we'll see him because she'd like to make him a picture at her school. While McCain was my choice, he wasn't be nearly as relatable to her.

I'm doubting she'll be asking about changes to domestic fiscal policy come January of 2009, but she knows far more about our government and how it works because of a picture of Barrack Obama than she did a few hours ago and as a parent, that's a success!

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