Thursday, September 4, 2008

An interesting, but consistent, phenomena

No matter what time in the morning I get up and think I'm going to get something done, one of my children gets up. My older daughter has been struggling to get up at 6:30 for kindergarten. Last night, neither my husband or I slept well. We tossed and turned, inexplicably...and not in a good way. *wink wink nudge nudge* By 5:00 AM he was in the shower. By 5:20 AM I was out of bed also, even though I could have slept for another hour. We were just simply up.

I made a cup of coffee and cut up a pear. I sat down and thought to myself, "I can knock out a little work and watch Project Runway, one of my not-so-guilty pleasures.

Within five minutes of turning on the TV (quietly, I might add) my older daughter comes walking out into the living room. *sigh* This was at about 5:40 AM. Now, at 6:40 AM she's complaining that her belly hurts, she's tired and shouldn't go to school.

*whine whine whine* Unless I leave this house, there is no alone time for mommy.

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