Monday, February 23, 2009

Adventures in the school drop-off line

Let me start by saying, I truly dislike the school drop-off and pick-up lines. In fact, dare I admit that in my daughter's six month career in elementary school, I have yet to brave the pick-up line. I've been around the school grounds close to an hour prior to dismissal and there are folks already parked and waiting. Seriously? What do you do in your car for an hour to just wait? There's a small part of me that longs for an hour of silence to read a good book. But every day? Besides, my hour would consist of a cranky 4 year old, who is normally sleeping at that time, buckled into car seat, whining about being too hot/cold/tired/thirsty/BORED! Since my daughter spends a grand total of 7 minutes on the school bus, that's our chosen method of transportation home. For getting her there, I'm stuck. The bus would pick her up an hour before school starts and there's just no point in that. So I'm forced to either walk or drop her off. When temps are in the 30's, there's no way I'm walking. In fact, we have a 55 degree rule.

So today at drop-off, I *thought* we were going to have the coveted first spot. How it works is that there are roughly 7 positions in which you can pull up into to drop your child off. The first one is closest to the door my sweet, cherubic daughter likes to go in. When we're in the 7th spot, it's a haul for her. Nothing cheers her up more about her day is getting that first spot. Today, I thought it was ours. Wrong...

Cars 1-5 and 7 all deployed their children as usual. As we waited, I smiled and joined in the giddy chatter about being "#1" and how cool it was to start off our week this way.

The cars ahead of us started to move around the circle. My daughter grabbed her backpack. I proceeded forward and very unexpectedly had to stop. Car #6 first failed to pull up all the way to the front then let her child out, thereby holding up the whole line. My little sweetness was forced to get out in the #5 spot.

For future reference Car #6, you pull all the way up to the crosswalk/sign if you're in the first spot. Also, regardless of where you are in the 1-7 line, you must let your child out even if he has to walk a distant to his preferred door. Everyone has a different spot they love. You can not just stop at like #3 because that suits you because then you mess up minimally two cycles of cars.

Perhaps it was your first drop off. Perhaps you've only done it a few times. Perhaps you had a hard morning. Perhaps perhaps perhaps... I will choose to believe you were not under the impression you are above the rules. So given this courtesy benefit of the doubt, please get it right next time. It's February. We all should know better by now. I thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the future. And should you mess it up again I will punch you in the junk. Have a wonderful day. ;-)
[photo courtesy of It's adorable, isn't it? I just recently found this blog recently and it seems to be filled with some great topics. Check it out!]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Myrtle Beach Restaurant Review - City Bar

Hubby and I had the pleasure of going out to dinner sans our beautiful, yet sometimes annoying, cherubs. We've both been pretty high-strung over the past few weeks and were really craving a nice, quiet and divine eating experience. Hubs had been to City Bar in Myrtle Beach once before with a few co-workers for drinks and suggested it. I took a look at their menu and was game.

Before we start talking about the atmosphere and food, I have to give a quick shout-out to an online reservation system that I've used before in other cities but didn't realize it had any Myrtle Beach clients. allows you to search out restaurants in your area by zip code, cuisine, etc and make a reservation without having to pick up the phone and talk to anyone. I'm lazy and I admit that. I hate calling restaurants to make a ressie. I don't think about it until, what I believe to be, their busiest time of the evening. I know, I know...they'll pick up the phone all the same and help me with my arrangements. I just don't enjoy doing it. So how lovely is OpenTable and their system of allowing me to browse which eateries in my area have openings at my desired time and making a reservation without much effort? They even have some system of accruing points for free dining certificates, though I haven't thoroughly figured that out yet.

When we arrived at 7:00 PM, we had our reservation, but didn't need it. As the name implies, there is an actual bar at the front of the establishment and a dining room behind it. What immediately struck me was how cozy and intimate the atmosphere was. Hubs and I were seated in a small booth, just for two. The lighting was warm, but minimal. Our seating felt very private and during our entire meal, I saw, but didn't hear other patrons. The music was louder and more upbeat than what I had in mind, but it added to the feeling of being in a slightly funky, yet not intimidating, place. It had a casual but upscale place. We really enjoyed the ambiance, and trust me when I say I'm critical.

We were seated immediately and placed drink orders. While I had a cocktail, their wine list was lengthy and nice. I only glanced so I couldn't tell you if they had anything truly special, but I did see a few choices that would have pleased me quite nicely. Hubby ordered a beer that was on the list, but ended up not being in stock. Our waiter said it was back ordered (who knew there was back ordering for beer!?) and he chose another selection.

We spent some time browsing the menu, trying to decide if we wanted a few small plates or single entrees. Truth be told, there were only a handful of options I would not choose and many that I would. I left it up to the man, but secretly hoped he would choose small plates. I'm a sucker for variety for I'm always the gal that makes everyone else at the table order first because I can't decide.

We ended up going with three small options - Chicken Roulade, Blackened Beef Tenderloin and a Santa Monica Crab Cake. The chicken was delicious. I had to italicize that because I wanted to lick the plate clean of the sauce once we ate the dish. The cheese blend within it was perfection. The gouda had just a bit of smokiness. The sauce had just a hint of spice. It was so good!

The blackened beef was so delish. Again, I could have eaten an entire plateful of it. We ordered it rare and it was perfectly cooked and seasoned. It sat atop some lovely pickled veggies...carrots, cabbage and onions, I believe. In fact, the vegetables almost had a gingery pickled taste. I may be picking up on the wrong flavor because it was subtle, but so good.

The crab cake wasn't my favorite but that may have been because there was little sauce with it. I'm a fan of a hollandaise or other creamy accompaniment. Though to it's favor, the cake was very meaty and of generous size. The flavor was nice. I was just missing a sauce.

Believe it or not, I've never eaten from a small plate menu so I wasn't sure how the portion size would be. We went with three choices because we couldn't narrow the list of things we wanted to try down more. And I'll definitely say that this was the perfect amount of food - especially for someone who wants dessert! The chicken roulade plate, for example, appeared to be one breast's worth of meat. The crab cake was just a smidge smaller than the size of a CD, but quite thick. I liken the portions something along the lines of a tasting menu size.

For dessert we had both the Creme Brulee and White Chocolate Bread Pudding. I had just a bite of the creme brulee and it was quite good and served with a chocolate topped biscuit. My white chocolate pudding was also very good, though I wish it had been served just a bit warmer and with more white chocolate flavor. It was mild. Though even with these slight criticisms, it was very good.

Now for one of the best parts...the service. Our waiter, I wish I could remember his name, was very attentive without being intrusive. I could see where he generally stood, keeping an eye on us. As soon as I put my glass down after having the last sip of my Cosmo, he immediately walked over to ask if I'd like another. I was impressed and pleased. The restaurant wasn't busy at the time, so he wasn't forced to table hop, but his attention to detail was really appreciated.

With three small plates, two beers, two cocktails and two desserts, our bill came to $80. A generous tip took us up a bit more, but it was worth it. There is no kids' menu and I would definitely not bring our girls here. I don't know if there is an official "adults only" policy, but nothing about City Bar says "family atmosphere" to me...which is exactly what we were looking for last night. I can remember once going to the Melting Pot listening to a toddler scream the entire meal. But I digress...

To wrap up, our night out was really nice. City Bar and both receive a huge momorable mention. I'd recommend them to my friends and family without hesitation. I can't wait to return to City Bar. For a quiet and intimate evening with refined, yet casual, food this is the place to go.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pet peeves for the day

I'm in a grumpy mood today. Maybe it's the rain. Maybe it's this headache I can't shake. Maybe it's the withdrawal from deciding to go caffeine-free again this week. Maybe it's a semi-sick child that needs to see her doctor today. Wrap those all up in one crap package and that's me. I just feel like complaining.

How about a few of my pet peeves just for fun...

1. Why, if you're from anywhere other than the south, would you say or write "ya'll"? You sound ridiculous.

2. Why is Caillou bald? And why does he always have on a short-sleeved shirt and shorts when his parents have on turtlenecks and pants?

3. Why must my dog lie directly in front of the toilet at night?

4. Why does my laundry seem to multiply in the hamper?

5. Why do married couples use the stupid phrase "Date night"? It sounds so patronizing and cutesy. Date night. "We're going on a date night." "Mom and dad are coming over the watch the kids so we can have a date night." "date night date night date night" The term almost infuriates me. Please just say "We're going to the movies" or whatever. On Friday my parents are, in fact, coming over so hubs and I can go to dinner without them. It's a date. It's a night. But I friggin' refuse to call it those words together.

I think that's it for now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is it me or is road rage on the rise in the Grand Strand?

Maybe I'm just more aware since my run in with another vehicle two months ago, but folks behind the wheel in the Grand Strand are just plain crazy lately! I've been in no less than five close calls and witness countless temper tantrums.

One particularly fun "close call" was when I was making a left from Pine Island Drive onto the road that runs up between Best Buy and the slew of steakhouses on the left. That intersection is notorious for near misses and enthusiastic exchanges between drivers.

I was in the left turn lane, waiting for traffic to clear when a guy coming from the Best Buy side came half way across the intersection, completely blocking traffic heading towards 17. Guess he anticipated me crossing that lane earlier than I felt it was safe. He then proceeded to flip me off, yell at me, rolling down his window and shaking his fist and motioning for me to go...into oncoming traffic. Thanks buddy. It was shocking to me how furious he was. I honestly think if I had engaged him in any way he would have exited his car to physically attack me. Nut job.

Today while driving on 501 towards the beach I was nearly involved in a carpooling project I didn't sign up for. The speed limit changes from 55 to 45 just before the intercoastal waterway bridge. A driver behind me was either unaware or didn't care because he was soooo close that had I sneezed, he would have ended up in the backseat. Mind you, there was plenty of opportunity for him to either back off or move into the left lane, he choose to ride very close while waving his hands all over the place in obvious frustration with me. And for the record, I was traveling at approximately 47 mph.

Being completely makes me nervous. There's a great commercial where two gentleman are in a grocery store, but driving carts. One isn't moving quite fast enough and the one behind him is sighing heavily, bumps him, yells a bit. The message is, "would you act like this if you weren't behind the wheel of a car?"

So drivers in and around the Grand Strand area, I have a message for you. Chill out! Seriously, you're scaring me. Pull yourself together and act like an adult behind the wheel of that car. Because trust me, fixing it after you bump someone can be quite costly. ;-)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The 100th post - who knew anyone was reading!

I think all bloggers who don't put a ton of time into promotion fall into a slump where they shrug off any pressure they feel to write because after all, who's reading? Often times, nobody. I admit to have fallen into that slump until I checked in tonight and saw...comments! To those who left them, thank you so much! It's so good to know someone is, indeed, reading! ...and found what I said meaningful or funny to boot! I'm thrilled! :-)

So today is the day of love. A day we put aside differences with our loved ones and them. The start of our week was a bit rocky, filled with work stress and fatigue. Thankfully we were able to pull it around and plan a fun day. Unfortunately, fate, and our older daughter had another plan.

I was just telling my mom that it sometimes frustrates me that all plans we make are in pencil. Someone always gets sick. Well maybe not always. Perhaps it's more like 8 out of 10 times. Seriously! Talk to my sister-in-law. We went through about two years of cancelling weekends out at their place because one or both children were sick. Today is no exception.

When our older daughter got home from school yesterday her temp was 102. Today it hit 104. *sigh* Poor poor kid! Obviously all of our "out" plans were nixed. She has no symptoms other than a belly ache and fatigue. The sad part about her is that her ear infections never come with ear pain, so I'm betting that's what it is.

Tomorrow is likely to include a trip to an urgent care center. Monday was supposed to come with a playdate with some friends that I'll have to reschedule...AGAIN!

My primary focus is, of course, a healthy child. I'm nervous because if she does have an ear infection, it's her third since January 1st. Not good. She may be on her way to tubes-ville. However, I can't help but to be mildly annoyed at how it feels like we can never make concrete plans. We recently had to cancel a highly anticipated trip to Daytona for the 24 Hour of Rolex race last month due to illness. That one just wasn't meant to be, though. Too many obstacles were thrown in our way at the last moment. Oh well, there's always next year.

So Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone has been able to make and follow through with some wonderful plans! I'm off to eat a few (dozen) chocolates from the heart hubby got me. Good man!