Friday, October 10, 2008

Lindsey's Little Miracles

I know the chances are slim that anyone local is reading, but I have to write about an organization centered around a very little girl holding a very big event tomorrow. Lindsey's Little Miracles was founded by a friend of mine, Quaker Grubbs, whose daughter, Lindsey, was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer just after her first birthday. You can read their story on the site as my words could never do it justice. The gist is that Lindsey is considered NED (no evidence of disease) and if she maintains that status for the next few years, she's considered cured. If she does not, she will be considered terminal.

For the past two years, the Grubbs family has put together a huge fundraiser to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation for local children. Even as I type it, I'm getting goosebumps.

I've known Grubbs family for a little over a year. My oldest daughter and Quaker's son were in the same preschool class. In one of our early conversations I actually said the words "you've lived through every parent's nightmare." to her when she talked about Lindsey's illness. In a later conversation, had over baby shower preparations for one of the teachers, I heard about how the diagnosis and treatment sent a ripple through the family.

I instinctively hold my breath when I think about the fears this family must face every day. Lindsey is a beautiful child in every way. She's bright. She's friendly. She's articulate. She's curious. She's snuggly. She lights up a room! I thought that long before I ever knew she was *thee* Lindsey of Lindsey's Little Miracles. When I did find out, I secretly cried.

I'm humbled by how the Grubbs family can channel the tears that must live somewhere below the surface into helping others. And darnit, they're productive at it!

I first send out my prayers to Miss Lindsey for her health. My next set go out to her family for their strength and peace. And last, I pray that the event tomorrow goes off without a hitch, including beautiful weather, and raises a ton of money for a very very worthy cause.

Sorry to keep referring back to their site, but if you'd like to attend the event or contribute, give it a click.

[photo courtesy of]


Anonymous said...

Anyone who spends five minutes with Quaker can not help but feel inspired. She goes out there and makes a difference EVERY DAY!

mbattny said...

I am inspired by the work that Wes Grubbs and Quaker Grubbs have done to benefit so many sick children. They have taken a terrible experience in their lives and turned it into a great cause.