Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The joys of Facebook

Is it me or is Facebook the same as high school? I admit it, I'm late delving into the world of social networking. I created an account several months ago when one of my cousins dragged me in. There it sat, with no friends and no activity. I honestly forgot it had it. Then one day I get an email that someone else I knew "friended" me. Two weeks later another friend emailed about how fun it was, blah blah blah and off I dove into the sea of old friends, acquaintances, enemies and others.

It didn't take me long to find the graduating class at my high school. Just recently my mom asked me, "Do you think you'll ever go to a reunion?" My answer, "it's not very likely."

In high school I definitely had a group of friends, but the ones I've wanted to keep in touch with are on my speed dial. The rest I haven't talked to in about 10...okay okay...15 years and I'm okay with that. I wish them well. If I ran into them I'd love to have coffee and catch up. But I'm not really inclined to search them out.

On Facebook I've got a list of some of those people sitting in front of me waiting for me to friend. There are some folks I requested friendship from immediately. Usually the message sent with the request went something like "Kimmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or "OMG! Remember that time we fill-in-the-blank?!"

The second layer of people were folks I was friendly with but it took some time for me to request their friendship. Thankfully I haven't been denied yet, though there are still many out there. I went to school in a small town. Some of these people I met in kindergarten and graduated with. Yet in high school, we merged with a few other towns and I basically lost them.

Since I live about 600 miles from the area I grew up in, and have since 8 weeks after graduation, I don't tend to run into these people. I've certainly never socialized with them beyond the prom. It's actually amazing to me how many of them stuck around!

So here I sit. I'm nearly 34 years old. I'm accomplished. I'm confident. I'm pretty much okay with who and what I am. So why do I care who I'm friends with on Facebook? *insert eye roll here*

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