Saturday, October 25, 2008

The difference between a woman on a business trip and a man...

When my husband goes on a business trip he packs, kisses us goodbye, leaves, does his business, eats good food, drinks good beer, sleeps well and returns home, ready for some R&R.

When I go on a business trip I spend weeks prior detailing the ins and outs of our family's days on lists, spreadsheets, narratives and post-its for my husband and mother to use as a guide while I'm gone. I pack for me. I make sure everyone else in the house has appropriate clothing clean for the week I'm away. I clean the house so that the crap these people need on a daily basis is easy to fine. I prepare meal plans. I grocery shop. I barely sleep the night before. Cry as I kiss everyone goodbye and get on the plane absolutely exhausted. When I return, I'm refreshed, having thought my way through everything in the world during the past week uninterrupted. I've gained perspective on how much I love my family and how being so busy all of the time keeps me from just enjoying that. I read two books, both of which (unplanned) dealt with the death of parents and a partner so I'm in a sudden state of true appreciation. I've reaffirmed my relationship with God as we did a lot of talking through a "maintenance" issue on one of the flights that ended with the nervously chatting pilot slamming us into the ground.

When I walk in the door, I'm energized despite being tired. I want to talk about my trip. I wake up the kids so I can kiss them and tell them I'm home. I roll around on the floor for five full minutes when my dog, bless her elderly heart. I kiss my husband confidently. "I missed you so much!" Within minutes, he's asleep on the couch.

Anyone speak martian? Because after this yearly trip, I truly feel like I'm from Venus.

I missed my family despite flirting with the doorman at the hotel. I ate at a restuarant that I know hubby loves and toasted him over jack and gingers. I wandered the levels at Barney's gasping at the price tags on the $2500 Versace "little black dress" and $1200 Manolo Blahnik rhinestone strappy sandal. I saw an amazing show called Beach Blanket Babylon, which was a Plan B after the night tour at Alcatraz was booked. Hubby would have HATED it. I, on the other hand, LOVED it!

I worked hard, thoroughly soaking in the office environment I never get to experience anymore. I argued with a taxi driver who yelled at my friend. I thanked God as He provided a shoe repair shop literally minutes after I broke the strap on my new leather laptop travel bag. I calmed my friend as she grew really nervous about an odd character disrespecting our personal space while waiting for a train. I felt horribly guilty about missing the opportunity to chat with my girlies due to the stupid timezone difference. I left really hoping I'll get to take this trip next year.

When I ask hubby what he does on his trips, he says "nothing". *insert eye roll here*

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