Thursday, July 24, 2008

RAOK in the grocery store for a pregnant gal

I want to give some snaps to a guy I met in the grocery store today.

I was shopping alone as my two girls hung out with their uncle and cousin at home. I happily buzzed in an effort get home as soon as possible before the Wii waved a white flag and surrendered from pure exhaustion.

As I stood in line to check out, a guy jokingly commented, "I want a piece of that cake" referring to the beautiful chocolate hunk sitting nicely with my order. I'm having company tonight, so don't judge me. LOL It's not a wicked case of PMS or anything.

I replied, "Come on over and have some, I think we'll have enough." Without missing a beat he said, "Well I have a pregnant wife and I'm sure she'd love it!" I looked over. Sure enough he was with a woman who looked tired, yet glowing. I'm thinking this guy, who I didn't even really look at, thought I was hitting on him! I give him applause, though, for throwing his wife in there to "set me straight".

I looked over to her and laughed, "Just bring a fork! Eating while pregnant is much more fun than eating sans baby!" She smiled politely and agreed. I think she was pleased at her husband because as I walked away, she held out her arm, wrapped it around him and started to scratch his back. So sweet!

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