Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm back!

I have no clear explanation why I haven't blogged in so long, but I'm back. Don't you love it when life just seems to take over.

So we've had a busy summer - lots of travel and lots of time at home. I want to take some time talking about some fabulous and some less-than-great things we did, both locally and out and about. Just as a teaser, I'm obsessed with the Myrtle Beach State Park and The Crab Cake Lady. And I can't wait to write about a semi-horrendous two-week trip we took down to Disney World.

For now, I'm offer to FINALLY decorate the house for Halloween. My poor kids. Work and life have kept me so busy and as a result, my house is a mess and we are holiday-less. But it's good to be back and I'm looking forward to dishing!

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